Gifted Hands

by Ben Carson, M.D.
Lexile: 950
Genre: Autobiography
This book tells the remarkable story of pediatric neurosurgeon, Ben Carson. He tells the story of his tough childhood and his struggles in school and how he had to learn to control his anger. He reveals and explains the many obstacles he had to hurdle to achieve what he has today. The book also includes a number of his surgical success stories including the separation of Siamese twins. His message to all is that a good education and hard work always pays off. "Developing good reading habits is something like being a champion weightlifter. The champion didn't go into the gym one day and start lifting 500 pounds. He toned his muscles, beginning with lighter weights, always building up, preparing for more. It's the same thing with intellectual feats. We develop our minds by reading, by thinking, by figuring out things for ourselves."
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