
by Sis Deans
Lexile:  ???
Genre:  Realistic Fiction

Rainy lives in a world that is all her own.  Her ADHD makes it hard for her to focus her thoughts and her actions and now she is being left at a summer camp without their support.  Rainy is used to having her mom, dad, sister, and dog to help her out, but now she has to get along with new people who don’t understand her.  When Rainy gets bad news from home, she sets off on a dangerous journey to help herself, but doesn’t think about how her decision will affect others.  The author does an excellent job of showing how differently the brain can work as the reader can get a sense of what it might be like to have ADHD as the book in many instances jumps from place to place as Rainy’s brain might actually have done in real life.  This would be a great book for anyone to read who is trying to cope with their own ADHD or trying to better understand what it’s like for someone who has this diagnosis.


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