Darius the Great is Not Okay

by Adib Khorram
Lexile:  710
Genre:  Realistic Fiction

Darius Kellner is Persian American.  His mom grew up in Iran and he has never met her family outside of the weekly Skype visits where he quickly says hi and bye to his grandparents.  Darius struggles with depression, a disease he inherited from his father, and has a hard time with bullies at his school.  He is not really comfortable with who he is and what his father expects him to be.  But now his grandfather is ill, and the family decides to take a trip to Iran.  Darius really doesn't know what to expect.  Will meeting the other half of his family and exploring his heritage help him to become more comfortable with himself?  Will it make the strained relationship with is father even worse or could this trip bring them closer together?


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